“Since Adam was a priest, and priest of the garden, spiritual leader of humanity, the fact that he needed a wife means that clerical celibacy is Satanic to the core. If there is any kind of man who needs a wife, it is a clergy-man. A man is in a profound sense of “alone” unless he is married. Of course, God calls some men to be ‘alone’ all their lives, but this is not the normal calling, nor is it the normal situation for a parish minister. Such a man is ‘alone’ unless he is married. In this life, before the last day, God will not be our spouse, and He says we should have one. It is ‘not good’ if we don’t. He may call us to live a life that is ‘not good,’ and thus to undergo suffering for Him, but for the Church to require such a life is a great evil.” – James B. Jordan, Trees and Thorns