If the introduction is an indicator of what is to come, this should be a good read. Here’s a sample:
“After asking the Philippian church to ‘have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus’ (no small order for ordinary people), Paul tells this forlorn, struggling church, ‘God is at work in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure’ (2:13). In you. Then Paul reminds them, ‘Our commonwealth is in heaven’ (3:20).
“In the space of a few lines, Paul called the Philippians to be part of a quite spectacular journey – namely, to live and to die like Christ, to model our lives so closely upon Christ that they bear within themselves the very mind of Christ. Yet he also calls them to ‘rejoice’ (3:1), because in them, in their ordinary life together as a congregation, God is enjoying them as divine representatives in the world. Great demands, but also great joy, at the wonder, at the adventure of being the church.”