The Weekly Perspective

by Burke Shade, Assistant Pastor

Admittedly, this is a PTL Weekly Perspective. For what am I praising the Lord? For Pastor Thacker!

While I was gone for eight weeks I visited four Presbyterian churches. What was good to see at each was weekly communion, though at least two did not pray over the bread and the wine like Jesus did. None of them, of course, allowed the youngest children to commune, though some are moving in that direction.

What was also rewarding was each of the four churches followed the biblical pattern of worship, of Covenantal Renewal Worship. In two of the churches the service was casual, not only in dress, but also with the speech of the pastor and in using ladies and children to read the scriptures in the service. Two were liturgically like St. Mark, where the pastor wore a robe (though black).

With regard to leading worship and preaching, this is where Pastor Thacker shines. Not only does he lead the service like a man, but he takes charge and honors Christ as a man. He understands he is Christ’s representative. He reads the whole text of scripture. He is loud, not soft; he looks at you directly, not in an apologetic manner, and he preaches and applies the text to us. He teaches God’s word! Two sermons I heard were on ONE verse, and the whole verse wasn’t even dealt with. Another used a thirteen-verse passage, but focused on one phrase, never mentioning the rest of the passage!

In conclusion, remember that while St. Mark is not perfect, the Lord has blessed you with a man who knows his role, which is to honor Jesus. So keep praying for him and be thankful for him. I know I am!