The Weekly Perspective

by Burke Shade, Assistant Pastor

You must come to worship every Sunday! Not just because God commands you to in the fourth commandment and the example of the church meeting on the first day of the week, but because worship builds hope in you. When you sing praises to the Lord, when you remember His works in ages past, when you remember that He sent Jesus to cleanse you of your sins, when you pray and thank the Lord for all His blessings (along with those next to you), when you hear His word and are encouraged that He is moving and active in your world, when you sit at His table and eat and drink of him, and remember that He is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world and thereby unites us to the Father, then your confidence and trust is built up in the Lord. When you remember and do all these things, you are given hope for the future; because there is nothing that God hasn’t done and can’t do! If we can be reconciled to God almighty, certainly we can be reconciled to one another! What are our sins against each another compared to sinning against the Godhead who lives for eternity? Yet we have peace with both God and man! And it’s at worship that you are commissioned by the Lord to take the Good News that Jesus is Lord and tell it to everyone you meet and apply it in everything you do. Without worship, you have no hope and no expectation of blessing or happiness in the future. Worship is but the nursery of hope!