The Weekly Perspective
by Burke Shade, Associate Pastor
Pastor Thacker in his recent sermon noted the high wall erected around sexual purity, as it would cost a man roughly three years wages if he seduced a virgin. That’s a high fence around one’s future marriage relationship.
That’s because marriage, and sexual relationship within that marriage, is a wonderful blessing given by God to men and women. Adam and Eve were naked and not ashamed, sharing intimacy and exposure without guilt. Being unashamed speaks to the sexual freedom and security that only the marriage bond can provide. Their nakedness was a source of joy and pleasure.
But sexual sins are deeply personal and destructive to us. Adultery leaves the victim devastated by betrayal; porn leaves men feeling gross, pathetic, and lazy; losing one’s virginity breaks the heart of the future spouse. Etc., etc.
So, Christians, guard your eyes, your thoughts, and the situations that could turn sexual. Remember Paul’s admonition to “flee.” Seek purity, married or unmarried. Seek the joy God calls you to in marital love, and remember that God judges those sexual sins severely (1 Cor. 6.9-11).
And remember, parents, to teach your children marital love, joy and fidelity. Who better than you to live out, in front of their eyes, what it means to be pure and happy and grateful for the closeness of your spouse’s body. Be honest, be open, answer all questions quickly, prepare them for purity as unto the Lord. It is the Lord they glorify with their bodies; they have been bought with a price (1 Cor. 6).